Bras For a Cause (Breast Cancer Foundation)

"Nuts and Bolts"
This bra is specially made for the Bras For a Cause event hosted by the Breast Cancer Foundation to auction off bras to raise money for research, medication, etc. I was fortunate to have found out about this event by a school official and I jumped into it. I was so motivated to do this for a good cause where i stayed up the whole night and finished the project in a day. I was able to find sponsors who helped made this project succeed, so I'm grateful for them. The auctioned off price was said to be $45.00 or so, not bad. :) I really like creating things for good causes.
Year: 2005
Materials: pre-pleated fabric, fake flowers, fake insects, glue
Bra designed with fake flowers and green leaves. Glued with bolts and nuts and a rope is glued along the bra edges. The middle is decorated with a fake butterfly. And along the straps I've hand sewn the fake ladybugs. Bottom portion is a very soft chiffon fabric that is pre-pleated- hand sewn to the bra.


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